Where do the names of American States come from?

Origin of American States


United States of America is one of the big countries in the world. From its name, we know that there are many states over there. USA has 50 states and it is shown on its flag, there are 50 stars in the left corner or inside the blue square background. Did you know all the states in the U.S.? Did you know where the names came from? Here we goo……

1. Alabama: it is believed that the word has come from the language of Indian “Alibamu”  and means ‘City of the tribe’
2. Alaska: it is derived from Russian version of aleutkago words “alakshak”, meaning “great land” or “peninsula”.
3. Arizona: the Spanish version of the word ‘arizuma’ which means ‘carrying silver’.
4. Arkansas: the French version of the Sioux ‘Acansa’ which means ‘downstream’.
5. California: coming from the Spanish conquistadors. Taken from the 1510 novel ‘las serges de esplandian’ which describes the island of paradise with such a name.
6. Colorado: it is based on Spanish expression which means ‘a red’.
7. Connecticut: it comes from an Indian word ‘quinnehtukqut’ means ‘beside the long tidal river’.
8. Delaware: it is also called river and bay which was named after Sir Thomas West, Baron De La Warr, Governor of Virginia, 1610.
9. Florida: it was named from Spanish word on Easter day 1513. It means feast of flowers (Easter).
10. Georgia: named after King George II of England.
11. Hawaii: Most likely from the local word ‘owhyhee’ which means ‘homeland’, or Hawaiki, the traditional home of the Polynesians.
12. Idaho: it was derived from the Indians local language which means ‘precious stone mountain’.
13. Illinois: comes from French Indian version of the word ‘warriors’ or ‘tribe of the best people’.
14. Indiana: a slang word for something like “Indian land”.
15. Iowa: the name of the Indian tribe related to Sioux tribe.
16. Kansas: the word of the Sioux Indians means ‘’people of southern wind’’.
17. Kentucky: the name came from the Iroquoian word “Ken-tah-ten” meaning “land of tomorrow”
18. Louisiana: the name was given in honor of King Louis XIV.
19. Maine: most likely from the English word ‘’main’’ which means ‘’the most important”. First used to distinguish the mainland from the offshore islands. It has been considered a compliment to Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I of England. She was said to have owned the province of Mayne in France.
20. Maryland: the name was given in honor of Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I.
21. Massachusetts: from massachusett tribe of native Americans, meaning “at or about the great hill’.
22. Michigan: it comes from the word Michigana means “great lake”.
23. Minnesota: the word of Dakota, from the Sioux group. It means ‘’water in the sky’’.
24. Mississippi: it was derived from French Indian name of the river- Ziibi river which means ‘’great river’’. Mississippi is also used as the river’s name in the US.
25. Missouri: it comes from Sioux language and refers to ‘’Big Canoe River’’ or ‘’people of wooden canoe’’ or “town of the large canoes”.
26. Montana: it is from Spanish word meaning ‘’Mountain’’.
27. Nebraska: comes from the word of Indians that means “Slow river”.
28. Nevada: comes from Spanish word means ‘’covered with snow’’ (snowcapped).
29. New Hampshire: the name is in honor of English county, Hampshire.
30. New Jersey: it is named from the Channel Isle of Jersey.
31. New Mexico: the English Spanish name is Nuevo Mexico, formerly Mexican property in north of the Rio Grande river. Mexico is a native American word means ‘place’. Meksitli is one of the Indian Gods.
32. New York: the name is in honor of the Duke of York.
33. North/South Carolina: the word ‘Carolina’ was derived from Spanish word for the name of England King, Charles I.
34. North/South Dakota: in the Sioux language means ‘friend’, also called Sioux tribe.
35. Ohio: the word of Indians which means ‘’good river’’.
36. Oklahoma: it comes from the expression of Choctaw Indian “Okla humma”, which means “red people”. Okla means people, humma means red.
37. Oregon: the name is first used by Jonathan Carver in 1778, it was taken from the writings of Maj. Robert Rogers, an English army officer.
38. Pennsylvania: the name is in honor of William Penn which meand “Penn’s Woodland”.
39. Rhode island: English translation of Italian words- Isola di rhode, the name is in honor of the island of Rhodes.
40. Tennessee: the name is in honor of the village of Cherokee Indian. It is also called one of the rivers.
41. Texas: from the Indian word means “friends” or “allies”.
42. Utah: it comes from the word of apache Indian which means “the one above’’. It is also considered from Ute tribe, meaning ‘people of the mountain”.
43. Vermont: it comes from French words “Verd Mont” means “Green Mountain”.
44. (West) Virginia: it comes from the English word “Virgin”. The name is given in honor of the England Virgin Queen, Elizabeth I.
45. Washington: the name is given in honor of the 1st US president, George Washington.
46.  Wisconsin: French corruption of an Indian word ‘tryavyanoye’ whose meaning is disputed.
47. Wyoming: it is derived from Indian word meaning “mountains and valleys alternating’.