Social Media for Children?

Technology for Everyone

The development of technology has gone so fast these days. Hence, it has become our food as we are living in globalized era. Because of it, we are subordinated by the advancement of technology. One of which is the existence of smartphone. This device is such a virus to everyone including children. They love smartphone because it has social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Everyone feels enjoy playing these apps. Unfortunately, some people use it unwisely. Hence, we have to realize that the use of social media isn’t always good especially for children. 

Children and Technololgy

What do you think when children use so much technology? They are not wise enough to use it. Children still don’t know which one is good or bad. Moreover, social media has bad impact besides it is useful. There are three reasons why social media isn’t good for children.

  • First, the nature of children or the psychological condition of children. Basically, children want to have social just because their friends do so. They actually don’t even know how to use it. And once they know, it is the first time of addiction. Moreover, they are still in unstable psychology as they are in growth process. As a result, the content in social media can easily affect their life.  For instance, a child may use social media to stay up to date with the development of fashion or smartphone. Then, he or she just wants to buy those things to fulfil his or her desire. This can lead to consumerism as they always want to get something more and more.
  • Second, smartphone brings more harm than good. Children who use social media will be easily addicted to it. This can affect their social life. Children using social media all the time tend to be ignorant. It is because they just focus on their phone. They will also find difficulty to communicate to others. Children need something real in life, they must be taught to hold real social life instead of virtual life they get through social media. Moreover, children can get health problem. The evidence is that we see many children wear eyeglasses. This is because they play gadget a lot. As a result, they get myopia. Even many experts state that the use of social media is related to behavioral problem in children such as disruptive or having difficulty sleeping. 
  • Third, social media is distracting. This is because the features in social media are so attractive. It makes children want to follow the trend and their friends’ doing. In addition, the content and information shared on social media make them pay attention to it. Social media have lot of access to videos, camera, chatting, illegal sites, and games. These will affect mainly on their moral and education. Children is still under the supervision of parents. Hence, they just need to know that the function of phone is mainly for communicating instead of misusing on any of the other function. Moreover, using social media while doing a piece of work will reduce the concentration. Children tend to be distracted by what they see on social media. As a result, they make much less time to do other activities. 

Thus, these reasons show that social media isn’t good for children. It brings more harm than good. Therefore, children shouldn’t be allowed to use social media.