5 Beautiful Temples in Central Java You Should Visit in 2020

Temple is a spiritual building for Buddhist and Hindus. This building is actually a place to pray or worship towards Gods (Deva-Devi) in Buddhism and Hinduism beliefs.

In Indonesia, there are many temples invented as an inheritance from Buddhism and Hinduism civilization that ever existed in Indonesia. 

There is a famous temple in Indonesia and even in the world, known as Borobudur temple. Borobudur had been determined as world heritage sites from Indonesia and it is a great temple in this country. However, there is not only Borobudur temple you should visit because there are other beautiful temples as well. Those temples are as beautiful as Borobudur with ancient stone and

acrhitecture. If you are planning to learn history during your trip, here are five beautiful temples in Central Java you should visit this year,

5 Temples in Central Java You Should Visit

1. Borobudur Temple

Bodobudur temple was ever listed as 7 wonders of the world by UNESCO which became the landmark of Indonesia then. This temple was built during the authorization of Wangsa Syailendra. Borobudur is the biggest temple in Southeast Asia and the 2nd biggest temple in the world. This temple will be very crowded in Vesak day when many Buddhists pray and do rituals. 

2. Prambanan Temple

This is a temple that almost looks like Angkor Wat in Cambodia. It was built in the 9th century. Prambanan is the biggest Hinduism temple in Indonesia. Prambanan was built to represents Trimurti Gods (the main Gods in Hinduism), they are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. This temple is also related to the story of Roro Jonggrang and 1000 temples so that Prambanan also known as Roro Jonggrang temple. 

3. Dieng Temple

Dieng temple is located in Dieng, Wonosobo, Central Java. This is an area with several temples that belong to Dieng Plateau complex. If you go to Dieng, you should go there to see this beautiful the temple. It is a relic of Kalingga Kingdom so that it is Hindu temple. The acrhitecture looks simple and the temple is small but there are many temples there. However, no one knows what is the real name of Dieng temple. Therefore, local residents took the name of wayang to distinguish them such as Arjuna Temple, Semar Temple, Dwarawati Temple, and Bima Temple. 

4. Gedong Songo Temple

Gedong songo is javanese word meaning nine buildings or temples. If you know the meaning, you will think that there are nine temples there. Nonetheless, you will only find five temples in Gedong Songo. It was discovered by Raffles in 1804 and belongs to Hindu temple in the 9th century. This temple is a beautiful place and worth it to go as it is located in the slopes of Mount Ungaran, Semarang, Central Java. 

5. Mendut Temple 

When you visit Borobudur, you have to see this temple as well. Mendut temple is located in Mungkid, Magelang and only 3 km from Borobudur. You will see three large Buddha statues inside Mendut temple, Dhyani Buddha Wairocana, Awalokiteswara, and Wajrapani. Here you will also see a beautiful garden surrounding the temple which makes you feel more comfortable with fresh air. 

As a country having rich culture and traditions as well as ancient temple, Indonesia is lucky since Indonesia can spur the economic condition from its tourism. One of the most interesting tourism is historical tourism, temples for instance. Therefote, we as Indonesian must be proud and share the beauty of temple in central Java to make it well-known to the world. Those are five beautiful temples in Central Java. For further details including ticket price and facilites, please read reviews in travel website such as tripadvisor.