Bersinergi Lawan Pandemi

Badan kesehatan dunia (WHO) telah menetapkan COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease-2019)  sebagai pandemi pada 11 Maret 2020 karena meningkatnya jumlah kasus COVID-19 di luar  Tiongkok. Menurut data worldometers, virus korona telah menginfeksi lebih dari dua juta  orang di seluruh dunia. Selain itu, Indonesia juga telah menetapkan pandemi COVID-19  sebagai bencana nasional pada Continue reading

Best Food in London

Food While Travelling

When you are going somewhere, one thing you should not forget is to try the typical food or cuisine over there. Moreover, some travelers’ purpose to move from one place to another is to taste its unique and delicious meal. I think it is not too difficult to find those typical food in the Continue reading