CHSE (Cleanliness, Healthy, Safety, Environment Friendly) and Tech Based Tourism for Indonesia

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world, including Indonesia. Since the virus came to Indonesia in early March last year, all policies have been made to reduce the spread. As a result, the Indonesian economic sector gets affected. Many businesses have to close, and employees have been laid off and even fired. Other than that, the government also ban any crowd activities in certain place. One of them is tourist attractions which support the Indonesian economy. Indonesian tourism sector has experienced a decrease in tourist visits both local and foreign. Continue reading

A Structuralist View on Margareth Landon’s Anna and The King

What’s in the story

Landon’s Anna and the King sets its focus on how Anna reacts to the people of Siam and its norm. She is an Englishwoman invited by King Maha Mongkut to be a teacher for his wives and children. The king wants his family to know and learn English so that they will be more civilized and developed. At first, Anna feels that she isn’t able to cope with the culture of Siam. By the time passed, she can get along well with the wives, concubines, and the children. Two of the children play the most Continue reading

Indonesian Tourism and Cuisine


The Indonesian tourism sector: A bright future and opportunities for  Australia

With a vast archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, the second largest shoreline in the world, 300 different ethnic groups, and more than 250 languages spoken, nature and culture has become two important things of Indonesian cuisine and tourism. Each region in the country has its own typical food as well as fascinating places to visit. Tourism and cuisine are related as when we travel to some places we may taste its local food. Therefore, those visiting certain place will give it a try to eat the food he only find there. Hence, in my opinion, cuisine is part of tourism. Many foreigners travelling to Indonesia are also interested in its Continue reading

5 Aktivitas Seru di Kawasan Wisata Pulau Komodo

Pariwisata di Indonesia tak hanya melulu tentang Pulau Bali. Sebenarnya banyak sekali daerah di Indonesia yang memiliki keindahan alamnya. Gugusan kepulauan Nusa Tenggara kini sudah menjadi destinasi wisata favorit selain Bali. Salah satunya yaitu wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur yang mana terdapat Taman Nasional Komodo yang menyuguhkan eksotisme fauna dan flora yang beragam. Kawasan taman nasional tersebut meliputi Pulau Komodo, Pulau Rinca, Pulau Continue reading

Bersinergi Lawan Pandemi

Badan kesehatan dunia (WHO) telah menetapkan COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease-2019)  sebagai pandemi pada 11 Maret 2020 karena meningkatnya jumlah kasus COVID-19 di luar  Tiongkok. Menurut data worldometers, virus korona telah menginfeksi lebih dari dua juta  orang di seluruh dunia. Selain itu, Indonesia juga telah menetapkan pandemi COVID-19  sebagai bencana nasional pada Continue reading

A Brief Talk On Delivering Happiness By Tony Hsieh

Getting to Know “Delivering Happiness”

Delivering Happiness is a book by Toni Hsieh telling about his journey towards his passion to be an entrepreneur. There are three parts in this book which chronologically explains how Tony Hsieh becomes like the person as he is now. The first part is Passion that is about how he grew up and found Zappos as well as how he learnt from his personal journey. The second part is Passion and Profit discussing how he make his own passion to be business-oriented and develop it with some philosophies and values. The last part is Passion, Profit, and Purpose which exposes Zappo’s vision for taking things to the next level. Continue reading

Being A Customer Service

Having a job as a Customer Support Specialist is a challenging and interesting experience for me. I got an opportunity to work as a Customer Success Specialist at a multinational web hosting company last year. I learnt a lot for being an IT Customer Success such as time management, communication, teamwork, and all the things about hosting and website.

What is Customer Service?

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Dasar Dasar UI/UX

Istilah UI dan UX akhir akhir ini sering kali muncul sebagai salah satu profesi yang dibutuhkan di era teknologi saat ini. Ya, UI dan UX melekat pada profesi seorang desainer atau writer. Kita sering menemukan lowongan pekerjaan UI/UX Designer dan UX writer pada suatu perusahaan startup. UI merupakan singkatan dari User Interface, sedangkan UX yaitu User Experience. Namun banyak orang yang menyangka bahwa kedua istilah tersebut bermakna sama. Padahal, keduanya merupakan bidang Continue reading

Top Attractive Spots For Your Short Trip in Singapore

Last year, in January, I took part in a student camp activity in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. As it is close to Singapore, so I decided to visit the country even if only a day before heading to Malaysia. Therefore, I chose the flight to Changi Airport. When I arrived at the Changi airport, I was amazed by the grandeur and complete facilities. No wonder the airport has been named as the best airport in

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