5 Beautiful Temples in Central Java You Should Visit in 2020

Temple is a spiritual building for Buddhist and Hindus. This building is actually a place to pray or worship towards Gods (Deva-Devi) in Buddhism and Hinduism beliefs.

In Indonesia, there are many temples invented as an inheritance from Buddhism and Hinduism civilization that ever existed in Indonesia. 

There is a famous temple in Indonesia and even in the world, known as Borobudur temple. Borobudur had been determined as world heritage sites from Indonesia and it is a great temple in this country. However, there is not only Borobudur temple you should visit because there are other beautiful temples as well. Those temples are as beautiful as Borobudur with ancient stone and

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Social Media for Children?

Technology for Everyone

The development of technology has gone so fast these days. Hence, it has become our food as we are living in globalized era. Because of it, we are subordinated by the advancement of technology. One of which is the existence of smartphone. This device is such a virus to everyone including children. They love smartphone because it has social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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Youth and Digital Democracy 

Movement For Improvement: How Brave Youth Are in Democracy 

Essay by Angga Brian Fernandi

Digital Democracy

Nowadays, the use of information and communication technologies and strategies in political and governance processes are massive. As we see that internet has become the primary need in 21st century. In the aspect of digital democracy, internet is used to access the information for free through social media, online news, online chat rooms, and many more to uphold and promote human rights. 

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Journeying through Literature: Exploring the Works of Kartini and Richard Wright

Letters of a Javanese Princess and Black Boy: Representing ‘Identity and Acceptance’ in the Battle Against Discrimination and Inequality

By : Angga Fernandi

These two narratives revolve around individuals who pursue power in order to realize their aspirations. “Letters of a Javanese Princess” entails a compilation of letters penned by Kartini, expressing her sentiments on women and traditions in Java. On the other hand, “Black Boy” follows the life of a writer of color in the US who navigates a dynamic environment. Despite their differences, both stories depict protagonists who strive to uphold the ideals of equality and acceptance, irrespective of their identity. In essence, these two stories share common themes.

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Poetry Corner: Analysis Poem ‘Spring Pools’ by Robert Frost

​Here is my interpretation about Poem Spring Pools 

This Analysis is made by Angga Brian Fernandi

Spring Pools by Robert Frost seems to be a great example of finding poetry in every day. I can see the author walking through the woods and happening on a pool of newly melted snow, seeing the reflection of the sky through leafless trees, appreciating their beauty and yet observing their temporary place in nature. it is truly beautiful. 

1. Frost uses many sound devices in Spring Pools. For instance, alliteration of ‘th’ in these that; they, them, their. Alliteration of ‘b’ in but, by, and bring, ‘f’ in flower and flowery, ‘w’ in water and watery. , and ‘b’ in baronial bee. Repetition can be found in phrase ‘like the flowers beside them’ in 3rd and 4th stanza. He also uses assonance of sound ‘ai’ in word ‘like’ and ‘beside’, sound (^) in ‘but up’. Even the full assonance is used in line 11 (these; these, flowers; flowery, water; watery). The combination Continue reading

Poetry Corner : Analysis Poem ‘Aspens’ by Edward Thomas

This is my interpretation on Poem ‘Aspens’ by Edward Thomas 


Aspens is a poem by Edward Thomas that tells about nature, society, and war. The poet uses the object aspens as trees that are powerful through times. The poet explores the destructiveness of war in English countryside and thinks that nature’s power is so great that it is the only thing that will survive. 

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