Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia 

​Status Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Bahasa Internasional dan Kedudukannya di Indonesia

Oleh : Angga Brian Fernandi

Perkembangan bahasa Inggris seperti sekarang ini disebabkan oleh ekspansi kekuasaan Inggris hingga akhir abad ke-19 dan juga kemunculan Amerika Serikat sebagai negara dengan ekononomi yang superpower (Crystal, 2003a: 59). Dua alasan utama inilah yang membuat kita ikut masuk kedalam situasi dimana bahasa Inggris hampir dikenal dan digunakan di setiap negara di dunia.

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​Movie Report and Review: Maze Runner 3 “The Death Cure” 

I watched this movie several days ago at cinema. This movie is the last sequel of Maze Runner Series. First thing first, I didn’t even know this kind of movie till my friend in college suggested me to watch it.  For me, it is such a good sci-fi movie adapted from the novel with the same title authored by James Dashner. I’d watched the previous chapter and it is great even though I watched it on laptop. 

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The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes: Analysis of Boscombe Valley Mystery

​Analysis of The Boscombe Valley Mystery
The Boscombe Valley Mystery is a short story by Arthur Conan Doyle which was published in 1891 and also. This is the 4th Sherlock Holmes story collected in The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes. It tells about a case of murder which is complex to solve the problem, especially who actually the suspect of murdering. It dealt in part with the gold rush that has occurred in Australia, and the dreams of many a man of getting rich and retiring in

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