Countries of the World : Gazetteer of Nations (A-B)


Listed below are the principal countries and territories of the world. The area figures give the total area of land, inland water, and ice. The population figures are 2005 estimates where available or you can see on Wikipedia to get the current data. The annual income is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in US dollars. GDP has been measured by purchasing power parity method, this enable comparisons to be made between countries through their purchasing power (in US dollars), showing real price level of goods and services rather than using currency exchange rates. The figures are the latest available, usually 2005 estimates, but I’ve seen on Wikipedia that the current data is also quite same, not so different.

  • Area : 652.090 km square
  • Population : 29.929.000
  • Capital : Kabul
  • Government : Transitional 
  • Annual income: US$800
  • Currency : Afghani = 100 puls


  • Area : 29.748 km square
  • Population : 3.53.000
  • Capital : Tirana 
  • Government : Multiparty Republic
  • Annual income: US$4.900
  • Currency : Lek = 100 qindars


  • Area : 2.381.741 km square
  • Population : 32.532.000
  • Capital : Algiers 
  • Government : Socialist Republic
  • Annual income: US$7.300
  • Currency : Algerian dinar = 100 centimes


  • Area : 468 km square
  • Population : 71.000
  • Capital : Andorra La Vella
  • Government : Parliamentary Co-Princedom
  • Annual income: US$26.800
  • Currency : Euro = 100 cents


  • Area : ±1.746.700 km square
  • Population : 11.191.000
  • Capital : Luanda 
  • Government : Multiparty republic
  • Annual income: US$2.500
  • Currency : Kwanza = 100 Iwei

Antigua & Barbuda

  • Area : ±442 km square
  • Population : ±69.000
  • Capital : St. John’s 
  • Government : Constitutional monarchy
  • Annual income: US$11.000
  • Currency : East Caribbean Dollar = 100 cents


  • Area : ±2.780.400 km square
  • Population : ±39.538.000
  • Capital : Buenos Aires
  • Government : Federal republic
  • Annual income: US$13.600
  • Currency : Argentine peso = 10,000 australs


  • Area : ±29,800 km square
  • Population : ±2,983,000
  • Capital : Yerevan 
  • Government : Multiparty republic
  • Annual income: US$5,100
  • Currency : Dram = 100 couma


  • Area : ±7,741,220 sq km
  • Population : ±20,090,000
  • Capital : Canberra
  • Government : Federal constitutional monarchy
  • Annual income: US$32,000
  • Currency : Australian dollar = 100 cents


  • Area : ±83,859 sq km
  • Population : ±8,185,000
  • Capital : Vienna
  • Government : Federal republic
  • Annual income: US$32,900
  • Currency : Euro = 100 cents


  • Area : ±86,600 sq km
  • Population : ±7,912,000
  • Capital : Baku
  • Government : Federal multiparty republic
  • Annual income: US$4,600
  • Currency : Azerbaijan manat = 100 gopik


  • Area : ±13,878 sq km
  • Population : ±302,000
  • Capital : Nassau
  • Government : Constitutional parliamentary democracy
  • Annual income: US$18,800
  • Currency : Bahamian dollar = 100 cents


  • Area : ±694 sq km
  • Population : ±688,000
  • Capital : Manama 
  • Government : Monarchy (emirate) with a cabinet appointed by the Emir
  • Annual income: US$20,500
  • Currency : Bahrain dinar = 1000 fils


  • Area : ±143,988 sq km
  • Population : ±144,320,000
  • Capital : Dhaka
  • Government : Multiparty republic
  • Annual income: US$2.100
  • Currency : Taka = 100 paisas


  • Area : ±430 sq km
  • Population : ±279,000
  • Capital : Bridgetown 
  • Government : Parliamentary democracy
  • Annual income: US$17,300
  • Currency : Barbados dollar = 100 cents


  • Area : ±207,600 sq km
  • Population : ±10,300,000
  • Capital : Minsk
  • Government : Multiparty republic
  • Annual income: US$7,600
  • Currency : Belarusian rouble = 100 kopecks


  • Area : ±30,528 sq km
  • Population : ±10,364,000
  • Capital : Brussels
  • Government : Federal constitutional monarchy
  • Annual income: US$31,800
  • Currency : Euro = 100 cents


  • Area : ±22,966 sq km
  • Population : ±279,000
  • Capital : Belmopan 
  • Government : Constitutional monarchy
  • Annual income: US$6,800
  • Currency : Belizean dollar = 100 cents


  • Area : ±112,622 sq km
  • Population : ±7,460,000
  • Capital : Porto-Novo
  • Government : Multiparty republic
  • Annual income: US$1,200
  • Currency : CFA Franc = 100 centimes


  • Area : ±47,000 sq km
  • Population : ±2,232,000
  • Capital : Thimphu  
  • Government : Constitutional monarchy
  • Annual income: US$1,400
  • Currency : Ngultrum = 100 chetrum


  • Area : ±1,098,581 sq km
  • Population : ±8,858,000
  • Capital : La Paz (seat of government), Sucre (legal capital/seat of judiciary)
  • Government : Multiparty republic
  • Annual income: US$2,700
  • Currency : Boliviano = 100 centavos


  • Area : ±51,197 sq km
  • Population : ±4,025,000
  • Capital : Sarajevo 
  • Government : Federal republic
  • Annual income: US$6,800
  • Currency : Convertible marka = 100 convertible pfenniga


  • Area : ±581,730  sq km
  • Population : ±1,640,000
  • Capital : Gaborone
  • Government : Multiparty republic 
  • Annual income: US$10,100
  • Currency : Pula = 100 thebe


  • Area : ±8,514,215 sq km
  • Population : ±186,113,000
  • Capital : Brasilia
  • Government : Federal republic
  • Annual income: US$8,500
  • Currency : Real = 100 centavos

Brunei Darussalam

  • Area : ±5,765 sq km
  • Population : ±372,000
  • Capital : Bandar Seri Begawan
  • Government : Constitutional sultanate
  • Annual income: US$23,600
  • Currency : Bruneian dollar = 100 cents


  • Area : ±110,912 sq km
  • Population : ±7,450,000
  • Capital : Sofia
  • Government : Multiparty republic
  • Annual income: US$9,000
  • Currency : Lev = 100 stotinki

Burkina Faso

  • Area : ±274,200 sq km
  • Population : ±13,925,000
  • Capital : Ouagadougou 
  • Government : Multiparty republic
  • Annual income: US$1,200
  • Currency : CFA franc = 100 centimes

Burma (Myanmar)

  • Area : ±676,578 sq km
  • Population : ±42,909,000
  • Capital : Naypyidaw 
  • Government : Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
  • Annual income: US$1,800
  • Currency : Kyat = 100 pyas


  • Area : ±27,834 sq km
  • Population : ±6,371,000
  • Capital : Bujumbura
  • Government : Republic
  • Annual income: US$800
  • Currency : Burundi franc = 100 centimes

It Is Our Rights To Choose Something We Love

​I don’t even know why I wrote this, I just express my feeling on people who ever underestimated me. I try to say it via words to people I met and I talked with that day. I believe that I can prove and achieve something that I chose no matter how hard it is, as long as I willing to learn and stay humble in order to get there, my dream.
Continue reading

Poem : Parts of Speech


The Parts of Speech
Every name is called a noun,

as field, fountain, street, and town.

In place of the noun the pronoun stands,

as he and she can clap their hands.

The adjective describes a thing,

as magic wand or gold ring.

The verb means action, something done,

to speak and listen, to jump and run.

How things are done the adverbs tell,

as happily, sadly, quickly, slowly, badly, 


The preposition shows relation,

as in the present or at the station.

Conjunctions join, in many ways,

sentences,clauses,words, or phrase and phrase.

Punctuation does either,

to make the sentence’s meaning clearer.

The interjection cries out, “Hark!

I need an exclamation mark!”

Countries With the Richest Culture in the World 

Which countries have the richest culture in the world?

Culture is one of the component that absolutely exist in a country, why? Because culture is a form of product that has developed from year to year, it was developed since many years ago or even many centuries ago by some ethnic group or native people or the primitive who lived in a country. Continue reading

10 ​Most Populous Islands in the World.

​Most Populous Island in the world.

Island is a land that is surrounded by water, it is smaller than continent and bigger than coral reef. A group of so many islands is called archipelago. There are 4 requirements that should be fulfilled to be an island.

  • It has land area and appears in the water’s surface.
  • It is naturally formed, not made by human like reclamation.
  • It is surrounded by water, either sea or lake
  • It is above the high tide’s line.

In this world, there are 10 islands which have the most population in the world.

1. Java, Indonesia.

The population in Java is about 160.293.748 people. Its vast size is 138.793,6 km sq. it is one of the biggest islands in Indonesia beside Sumatra, Kalimantan, Celebes, Papua, etc. Java also the 13th biggest island in the world. The most population in Java is Javanese and Sundanese. Sundanese occupied in West Java, while Javanese occupied the Central, South, and East Java.

There are 6 provinces in Java island, they are West Java, East Java, Central Java, Banten, Special Region of Yogyakarta, and Special Capital Region (Jakarta). This island belongs to Greater Sunda Islands.

2. Honshu, Japan.

The population in Honshu is approximately 103 million people. Honshu is the biggest island in Japan, it is located in southern Hokkaido, another island in Japan. If it is compared to all islands in the world, Honshu is the 7th biggest island and also the 2nd most populous island in the world. the total area of Honshu is 230.500 km square, about 60% of Japan’s vast size. Most people in Honshu island lived in Kanto where 25% of the population stayed over there, and others are in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka, Sendai, Nagoya, Kobe, Hiroshima, etc.

3. Great Britain, UK.

The population in Great Britain is about 60.800.000 people. 

Great Britain is an island which located in western European coast. This island has total area approximately 218.595 km square. In this island, there are 3 states; Scotland, England, and Wales.

Great Britain is called “Great”, because it is used to differentiate with another Britain, it is region Bretagne in France. 

The name of “Great Britain” was derived from French “Grand-Bretagne”, and because the official language in Britain’s government that time is French since 1066, then this name is used until English became the official language again in this country. The name of “Bretayne the Grete” was used by the historian in 1338, but it is officially used by King James ( James VI of Scots and I of England and Ireland) on 20th of October 1604. At that time, He stated that He is the King of Great Britain, not only for Scotland and England because Wales also belongs to GB’s region.

4. Sumatra, Indonesia

Sumatra located in Indonesia, is the 6th biggest island in the world which its vast size is 443.065.8 km square. The population in this island is about 52.210.926 people. Sumatra also known as Percha island, Andalas, Suvarnadwipa ( from Sanskrit, it means Gold island). The name of Sumatra was from the kingdom of Samudra Pasai (located in the east coast of Aceh). It was begun since Ibnu Batutah visit that kingdom, he is an adventurer from Morocco. When Ibnu Batutah try to say “Samudra”, he instead said “Samatrah”, and then became Sumatra. The word “Sumatra” was written in the maps in 16th century made by Portuguese, it indicated this island and then it was known as Sumatra until nowadays.

5. Luzon, Philippines

The population in Luzon is about 48.520.774 people. it is the biggest island in the Philippines and also the most important in political and economy aspect. Luzon is also one of the 3 archipelagos in this country ( Visayas and Mindanao). the total vast of Luzon is about 104.688 km square, make it as the 15th biggest island in the world. The capital of Philippines located in this island, manila is in the middle of Luzon, and also the most populous city also located here, Quezon. Mount Pulag and Mount Mayon also located in Luzon. Luzon bordered with South China Sea in the west, Philippines sea on the east and Luzon strait in the north.

6. Formosa, Taiwan.

The population in Formosa, Taiwan is about 23 million people.

Taiwan is a country in east Asia. Taiwan also used to indicate the region which is commanded by PR of China and for PR of China itself that govern Taiwan, orchid island, green island in pacific next to Taiwan coast, Penghu island in Taiwan strait, Kinmen and Matsu archipelago next to Fujian coast, land of China. A group of Formosa and Penghu island is officially governed as Taiwan province, but practically almost all authorization was done in both national and local level.

Nowadays, Taiwan is also claimed as the part of PRC despite the fact is that PRC never authorize Taiwan or any region of PRC which refers to “Taiwan”. PRC underlie its claim with the argument that PRC is the next generation of Chinese Republic since 1949, and Chinese republic had authorized Taiwan for 4 years, from 1945-1949. The word “’Formosa” was derived from Portuguese means “the beautiful island”. This island has 394 km length, and 144 km width.

7. Madagascar.

The total area of Madagascar is about 587 km square and it has large number of population, about 22.434.363 people lived there.

It is said as Repoblikan’i Madagasikara in Malagasy language, Madagascar is an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the east coast of Africa. The island of Madagascar is the 4th largest island in the world. in addition to the main island, some of the small islands around it also become the part of this republic, such as Juan de Nova island, Europa, Glorioso island, Tromelin island, and Bassas da India. 

Although geographically close to the Africa, but the history of geology, biology, and demography of Madagascar is different with the mainland continent.

Based on the geology, Madagascar located separate from the main continent of Africa. First, it separated from the Indian subcontinent, then the island was moving closer to Africa. Madagascar is an old land, like Australia, so that the soil is scarce of  mineral material due to lack of volcanic activity. Most of the soil is red, showed the condition of mildewed soil.

8. Mindanao, Philippines

The population here is approximately 21.968.174 people.

Mindanao or great Moluccas is the 2nd largest island in the Philippines and one of the three main island groups along with Luzon and Visayas.  Mindanao located in the southern part of the Philippines, is a historic residential district for the majority Muslim or Moro tribe and other ethnic groups such as Marano and Tausug. Now, the majority of the population in Mindanao is Catholic because of the land ownership pattern which is unfair and a lot of new comer to Mindanao. this triggered the Muslim’s anger over there who are poor and marginalized and also the separatist movement who had struggled for hundreds of year.

In recent years, Mindanao became the region that is considered carefully along with the appearance of Islamist terrorist organization which closely linked to the conflict in middle-east.

Mindanao is considered to be the base of the terrorist group “Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah” whose occurrence reduce the role of freedom fighters group which is more moderate and nationalistic, like Moro Islamic Liberation Front or MILF.

9. Ceylon, Sri Lanka

The population in this island is about 20.700.000 people. This island is also known as Lanka, Lankadeepa (derived from Sanskrit means “the Shining land”), Simoundou, Taprobane, Serendib, and Selan in ancient era. But, under British colonialization, this island was known as Ceylon, and it is still used until nowadays. Thus, we can say that Sri Lanka located in Ceylon Island.

10. Hispaniola, Haiti and Dominican Republic.

Population: 19.920.000 people

Hispaniola or in Spanish said “La Espanola” is an island in the Caribbean archipelagos, Hispaniola is theb second largest island in the America continent, after Cuba. Christopher Columbus arrived in this island for the first time on December 5th 1492. Hispaniola was divided into two countries, Haiti (1/3 of the island) and Dominican Republic (2/3 of the island). Hispaniola is located between Cuba in the west and the island of Puerto Rico in the east. Hispaniola is the first colonies of European colonists in the new world. This island is the 10th most populous island in the world and also the most populous in America.

7 Countries With The Most Languages Spoken

Countries which have the most languages spoken.

In this world, there are more than 200 countries with their own unique and indigenous language. Sometimes, there are some tribes or primitive groups exist in a country and they have their own culture and regional language that is very different with the official language or national language in that country. Therefore, a lot of people in this world are literally able to speak in more than one language and also there are so many languages exist in a country, it isn’t only from how many tribes are there in a country, but also the effect of globalized era. Globalization has made the relation among people from all over the world easier, they can share their culture each other, language for instance. That’s why there will be so many languages spoken in a country which is open-minded and open sighted. Among more than 200 countries in the world, there are some countries which have the most languages spoken. Here they are.

1. Papua New Guinea.

There are about 839 kind of languages spoken in Papua New Guinea. These languages are mostly spoken by the tribes and the native people over there. By having the most languages spoken, Papua New Guinea become the place which has the most varieties of language in the world. The official languages in Papua New Guinea are Tok Pisin, English, Hiri Motu, and papua new guinea’s sign language. Tok pisin is an English-Creole language that is used as national language over there, while papua new guinea’s sign language has become the 4th official language since May 2015 and it is used by disability (in this case is people who aren’t able to speak or to hear).


More than 700 languages are spoken in this archipelago country. Those languages mostly belong to Austronesia language and some Papuan language. The national language that is used in this country is Bahasa Indonesia which related to Malay language. Although Bahasa Indonesia is used in all aspects such as media, education, administration, and all formal things, but mostly Indonesian still use their own regional-language as their mother language. Some regional languages in Indonesia are Javanese, Sundanese, Betawi, Batak, Bugis, Papuan language, Balinese, etc. by speaking more than one language in their country, it means that Indonesian are also able to speak at least 2 languages or multilingual.


There are more than 526 languages which are used in Nigeria. But, unfortunately, 9 of them are almost extinct or rare to be used. The official languages that are used in that country are Nigerian and English to unify variety of culture and languages in that country. But, the communication in English is much more famous in the cities than in the village. Another languages that are also used over there such as Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Ibibio, Edo, Fulfulde, Kanuri, and many more. The variety of languages in Nigeria represented Africa in a whole because it contains 3 big languages in group of African languages, they are Afroasiatic, Nilo-Sahara, and Niger-Congo. Nigeria also has another language that isn’t classified yet such as Cen Tuum.

4. India

There are about 454 used languages in India. Those languages belongs to some language groups such as Indo-Arya, Dravida, Austroasiatic, Sino-Tibet, and others. Indian Constitution didn’t give status of national language to any languages that are used over there. India use bilingual approach for official language in India’s Government with use Hindi that is written in Devanagari letters, and also using English. That’s why English is also used in this country beside another Indian languages.

5. United States.

Although the most common spoken language in US is English, but US also used so many languages since many years ago. There are tribes or native people who still exist in Northern America or Pacific region, they still uphold their native language.

This variety of language was brought to US by colonialists from Europe, Asia, and another countries in the world so that formed variety of language that are used by people in America. Nowadays, there are about 422 languages spoken in the US and 216 of them is the native languages from American tribes or ethnic groups, while another 206 languages came from the immigrant.

6. People’s Republic of China

In China, 300 varieties of language are used by so many ethnic groups over there. The most used language in China is Hanyu or Han that is divided into 7 dialect groups. The most learnt language in this country such as Chinese, Mongol, Tibet, Uyghur, and Zhuang. The standard Chinese which is used by people over there is Putonghua that still belongs to Mandarin language and it is considered as national language. But, another region which has autonomous system like Hong Kong, Macau, or Tibet, they have their own national language.

7. Mexico 

Mexico has approximately 289 languages spoken with the majority spoke Spanish fluently. Although so many languages spoken over there, some of native Mexican is monolingual or only able to use their mother language or their native language and also most Mexican are only able to speak Spanish. The government of Mexico had determined Spanish to be implemented in formal aspects or things. Although it is implemented in formal things, but the status of Spanish isn’t as official language or national language of Mexico. Spanish is mentioned as one of the languages spoken in Mexico beside another indigenous languages.

Those are 7 countries which have the most languages spoken in the world. The existence of many tribes, ethnic groups, and culture will make the variety or diversity in a country, for example “language”, diversity showed that there is a relation and unity among different regions because these regions is located in one country and they still admitted their national language and respect to other culture. It didn’t astonish me if there are so many languages spoken in a country as long as a country accepts the globalization wisely, having open-minded and open-sighted to the world. But, did you know which country has the least languages spoken?
The answer is North Korea, this country only has 1 language spoken, it is their native language (Korean Language) or North Korean language. This happens because this country literally isolated itself from another culture, from globalization, etc. That’s why the used language over there is only their national language, North Korean.

English Corner: Common British Slang Words for English Learners

​For people outside of the UK even the word ‘slang’, might be unusual, so to clarify, ‘slang’ refers to the casual use of words that have been newly created and are usually spoken only by select groups of people.
Slang in Britain flourishes, from North to South or East to West you’ll find an interesting mix of English and regional dialects, sometimes heavily influenced by international culture (heighted by internet culture).

You can easily find yourself puzzled by the quick retorts of youth, or the savvy lingo expressed by the professional and even by the old pensioners outdated observations.

Here are some popular british slang words that could help you understand about what the Brit says in their native language.

  • Any road: any road is another way of saying “anyway”. It is commonly used by Northern UK. Instead of saying “anyway”, they said “any road”.
  • All right: this is technically a form of greeting. It is used a lot in London and southern UK, it means “hello, how are you?” that’s why it is usually said as a question like “all right mate?” you would said it to someone you knew or even a stranger. The normal response is also same “All right”.
  • Ace: it means “awesome”.
  • Anal: when someone is being anal about something, he is choosing to be an asshole. He is choosing to be tight and strong minded like the anal sphincter. Therefore, you should tell him “don’t be anal”.
  • Ass: this means your buttocks, your backside, but mostly a donkey.
  • Arse: this word means as same as Ass, but it is much ruder. Some expression about it such as “pain in the arse” (a nuisance), I can’t be arsed ( I can’t be bothered), and “a half arsed attempt” means something was not done properly.
  • Aye: it means “yes”
  • Bladdered: it means drunk, therefore, if you heard when a British say “you are bladdered”, they mean you are drunk.
  • Ballistic: it is used to describe the feeling of getting angry or mad. E.g. he went ballistic ( he went mad).
  • Bloke: another word for male.
  • Barmy: have gone mad or crazy. If someone tells you that you are barmy, they mean you have gone mad or crazy. E.g. you would have to be barmy if you visited England without trying black pudding!
  • Beastly : this word means something or somebody that were really unpleasant or nasty and people will consider it as a snob.
  • Blinding: it means great. If something is a blinding success, it means it is a great success.
  • Blinkered: blinkered means narrow minded or narrow sighted, they only see one view on a subject.
  • Bloody: it is used to emphasis the word. E.g. bloody awesome, bloody hell, bloody awful, bloody brilliant.
  • Bollocks: it is typically used to describe something that is no good(that’s bollocks) or that someone is talking rubbish( talking blocks)
  • Bugger all : it means “nothing”. If something costs bugger all, it means that it costs nothing. Meaning it is cheap. While if you have bugger all, it means you have nothing.
  • Cheers: this word is usually used when drinking with friends. However. It also has other meanings. For instance when saying goodbye you could say “cheers” or “cheers then”. It also means thank you.
  • Chips: French fries. It is basically a deep fried finger length potatoes eaten in the UK. These are also known as crisps in the UK.
  • Chat up : to be flirtatious, that is to speak to someone with the intent of eventually engaging in sexual intercourse with them.
  • Cracking: another word for good. E.g. if a girl is cracking it means that girl is stunning.
  • Dear: it means “expensive”. E.g. don’t you think flights to UK are dear?
  • Dodgy: bad quality or untrustworthy. Therefore, if someone or something is a bit dodgy, it means it isnt to be trusted.
  • DIY : it is the abbreviation of Do It Yourself.
  • Excuse me : it is usually used when addressing a stranger, when interrupting or disagreeing with someone or to request a repetition for something that have just been said or explained.
  • Fancy: in Britain, it means like or desire or want. E.g. do you fancy a cake? Technically fancy is used for both people and food.
  • Grub: food. E.g. I am hungry, let’s get a grub.
  • Gutted:  this is a very common slang in Britain. It means to be sad or upset.
  • Jolly good: very good. E.g. she is a jolly good singer.
  • Daft: basically it has so many meanings, such as stupid, insane, nuts, moronic, and asinine. It depends on context and what would you say about.
  • Knackered:  tired or sleepy. E.g. I am feeling a bit knackered today.
  • Loaded: it means “rich”. When a Brit says “ that guy is loaded”, it means he is rich.
  • Loony: this word means mad or crazy.
  • On about: it means what are you talking about?
  • One off: this word is used to describe a one-time event that is never to be repeated.
  • Piece of cake: it means “something is easy”. E.g. he makes that dance looks like a piece of cake.
  • Pissed: another word for Drunk Posh-high class, sophisticated.
  • Puke: vomit quid-a pound in English money.
  • Smashing: it means “terrific”. Therefore, if something is smashing, it means it is terrific.
  • Ta: a slang word for “thank you”
  • Taking a piss: it basically means making fun of someone.
  • Twat: a word that is used to insult someone who has offended you. It means a person who is a stupid and lacks of good sense of judgement. This is also a slang word for female genital.
  • Up for it: to be available. When a British said they were up for it, it means they were willing to come along. E.g. you up fo going up the pub? Yeah mate, I am up fo it.
  • Wanker: it is used to describe someone who is a bit of a jerk. It actually means someone who masturbates.
  • Wind up: this word has a couple of meaning. In one hand, if something you do is “wind up”, it means you are making fun of someone. On the other hand, if you are “wound up”, it means you are annoyed or you are worried or you are nervous.

Countrypedia: Lesotho


Did you know about Lesotho?

Lesotho is a small country in southern Africa that has the total area or territorial is approximately 30.355 km square. The capital of Lesotho is Maseru. The governance system of Lesotho is Constitutional Monarchy, and the currency of this country is Loti. 

  • Motto: Khotso, Pula, Nala. (Peace, Rain, Prosperity)
  • Anthem: Lesotho Fatse La Bontata Rona (Lesotho, land of our fathers)
  • Official languages: Sesotho, English.
  • Government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy.
  • King: Letsie III
  • Prime Minister: Pakalitha Mosisili 
  • Independence: October 4th 1966 (from the UK)

Do you wanna know more about Lesotho?

Here are some facts about Lesotho.

1. Lesotho’s region is surrounded by South Africa, that’s why this country is located inside the South Africa’s region and Lesotho usually called as pocket country or land-locked country or even country inside the country.

2. Lesotho become one of the only three sovereign “pocket countries” in the world, the others are San Marino and Vatican.

3. The region which is called as Lesotho is occupied by primitive who spoke “Bantu” language and named themselves as Basotho. When the war happened with the Boers, Moeshoeshoe as basotho’s king counted on UK. Then, UK fulfill his request and lied the area of Basotho under their protection. Then the region which nowadays becomes Lesotho is made as part of Cape Colony by the UK.

4. In the beginning of 20th century, when South Africa is formed, Lesotho is planned to be the part of South Africa at first. But the implementation of Apartheid in South Africa finally stopped this plan and made Lesotho still become England’s protectorate. 

5. The step of Lesotho to get the independence is started in the middle of 1950’s and in 1965 the 1st legislative election was conducted.

6. The independence of Lesotho is officially announced in 1966, and four years later, in 1970, the general election was conducted. The result of election showed the dominated party at that time lost and it made the prime minister canceled the election, postponed the constitution, and the parliament is dispersed. 

7. Do you know what? Over the years, the relation between Lesotho and South Africa was never harmonious primarily as a result of the Africa National Congress which undermined Lesotho. 

8. In 1986, the situation in Lesotho became worsen so that the King was given the absolute power. This power transfer is organized by military council which positioned themselves as advisor to the Monarchy. In 1990, the military leaders disarmed the King’s authority so that Lesotho returned to democracy. Then, in 1993, a new constitution was adopted which made the King is just a symbol without real authorization.

9. Lesotho is home to several well-known National Parks, one of them is Sehlabathebe National Park.

10. Lesotho is a craft-producing country, with “teyateyaneng” became the center of traditional arts. Visitors or tourists are able to find Basotho traditional clothes and Basotho tapestries.