Countrypedia: Maldives 

​Did you know about Maldives?

Maldives is a country in Hindia Ocean. Maldives is located in southwest coast of Sri Lanka, that’s why the nearest country from Maldives is Sri Lanka. Maldives consists of a small groups of islands or atolls, it has 26 atolls which is divided into 20 administrative atolls and 1 city. The capital of Maldives is Male. Do you wanna know more about this country?

Here are some facts about Maldives

1. Maldives is colonialized by Portugal between 1558 until 1573. Maldives is under protection of Holand in the 17th century. Then in 1887, Maldives is under protection of Britain till 1965, when Maldives got its independence from Britain.

2. After for more than one century profess a sultanate system, then Maldives adopted republic system in 1952 and sultanate is replaced in 1954. In 1968 via referendum, republic  system is formed in Maldives. An authoritarian president who led Maldives since 1968, Ibrahim Nasir, then replaced by Maumoon abdul Gayoom in 1978. Gayoom was chosen for 6 times for his lead period is 5 years, it means that Gayoom had led Maldives for 30 years from 1978-2008. 

3. The official name of Maldives is Republic of Maldives.  But the official local name is Dhivehi Raajjeyge Jumhooriyyaa.

4. There are approximately 1.190 islands that make a group of 26 atolls (200 inhabitant islands plus 80 islands for tourist resort), 95% of Maladewa is waters.

5. Maldives is the lowest and flattest (its plain) country in the world, because the average high level of its lands is 1.5 m, and its highest spot is in Villingili island (2.3 m from sea surface) due to its located in low area, Maldives worry about the possibility to disappear because of the climate change that makes the sea surface level raise from year to year.

6. Buddhist is the most dominant religion in Maldives for the first time before finally Islam entered this country in 12th century. The proof of Buddhist influence in Maldives is Pupao Thoddoo as Buddhist inheritance. Then, Islam become official religion in Maldives, and the constitution was changed or amendment in 2008 which stated that Non moslem can’t be the citizen of Maldives.

7. Traditional Music of Maldives is Bodu Meru, it is a musical instrument like large drum that is as inherintance from eastern Africa for more than several centuries ago. Bodu meru is very rhythmical and sometimes hard to be understood of its rhythm.

8. The flag of Maldives consists of red background, the green background and crescent moon on its center. Crescent moon on Maldives’s flag means Islam, Green represented palm tree, and red background represented the blood which is spilled by the Maldives’s heroes.

9. In 2008, Maldives got predicate as :

-Best Country Brand for Beach.

-Best Country Brand for Rest and Relaxation.

-2nd place of Best Country for Natural Beauty.

-3rd place of Best Country Brand for resort and lodging.
10. Most of the cuisine in Maldives is rice and fish. Fish is the main source of protein, and most people over there eat it, eat a little vegetable, betel leaf with areca nut, clove, and lime (usually called Foh), it is chewed after eating. Old people sucked Guduguda, it is a long pipe and it is dipped on the water. Maldives also has its local beverage called Raa (sweety  fermented palm wine made from coconut flower).
11. The 1st people who colonialized Maldives are from India, but the date isn’t known and it is estimated happened in 269 BC. Its first empire was established by son of the King Kalinga in India. The King didn’t like his son, that’s why he was sent to Maldives, and then it was known as Dheeva Maari till nowadays. The crowned prince named Sri Soorudasaruna Adeettiya who is responsible to build Dynasty of Adeetta Maldives, it is known as Dynasty of Sun, this era ended with the marriage between Queen of Solar Dynasty and The crowned Prince of Kalinga Dynasty.

Countrypedia : Honduras 

​Did you know about Honduras?

Honduras is a country located in Central America which has the total area approximately 112.088 km square. The capital of Honduras is Tegucigalpa. Do you wanna know more about this country? Here are some facts about Honduras.
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Countries with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites

​A site is referred to as a World Heritage Site when it is listed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization or

UNESCO as a special cultural or physical significance. As of 2015, there are 1031 heritage sites: 802 are cultural, 197 are natural and 32 are mixed properties. 

Before we get into the countries with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites, let’s look at what is required for a site to be one. There are six criteria for cultural sites which are, to represent a masterpiece of human creative genius, to exhibit an important interchange of human values, to bear a unique testimony to a cultural tradition of a civilization, an outstanding example of a architectural or technological ensemble throughout history, an outstanding example of traditional human settlement or interaction with the environment and to be tangibly associated with traditions, ideas, beliefs, and works of universal significance. There are four criteria for natural sites which are,containing superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty, to have outstanding examples representing the major stages of earth’s history, to be outstanding examples representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of land and sea communities of plants and animals and to contain the most important natural habitats for conservation of biological diversity.

The following is a list of the countries that have the most cultural heritage sites.The top ten countries with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites all have their own unique reasons as to why they are in the top ten.

1. Italy 

Italy has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites of any country in the world, due to its history as the birthplace of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance.

Italy has 51 heritage sites – Italy may not be one of the world’s largest countries, but its long and profound history puts it at the top of the list of countries with the most cultural heritage sites. Some of those sites are Venice and its lagoon, the Piazza del Duomo in Pisa, the historic centers of Siena, San Gimignano, Florence and Naples, the historic center of Rome and Vatican City, the city of Verona, the Santa Maria delle Grazie with “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Villa Romana del Casale and the Castel del Monte, and many more.

2. China 

China has 50 UNESCO world heritage sites.

China is the birthplace of one of the oldest civilizations in the world and many different dynasties that have come and gone. China is home to many different cultural sites, including the Great Wall of China. China also has many natural sites, since like Russia and America it is a big country. One of these natural sites is the Chengjiang Fossil site, the Forbidden City, and the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

3. Spain

Spain has 45 heritage sites from 39 cultural sites and 6 natural sites.

Spain, much like Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, has a past history involving the Roman Empire and as a powerful world spanning empire of its own. 

Not too far from Italy, Spain is also proud of its many cultural world heritage sites. Some of those 39 sites are: the historic centers of Toledo and CĂłrdoba, the old city of Salamanca, Burgos Cathedral, the works of Antoni GaudĂ­ (in Barcelona), the old town of Segovia and its famous Roman aqueduct, the Cave of Altamira with its prehistoric paintings , the Alcázar in Seville, Roman Walls of Lugo, the Tower of Hercules lighthouse and many more.

4. France

Franch has 42 world heritage sites.

France has a long history stretching back to the Frankish tribes during Roman times and formed the powerful French Empire and its powerful monarchs, France has many cultural wonders such as the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the Palace of Versailles, Bourges Cathedral, Chartres Cathedral, Amiens Cathedral, the Belfries of Belgium and France, the Pont du Gard Roman aqueduct , Arles Roman amphitheater, and the prehistoric cave paintings in Grotte Chauvet-Pont.

5. Germany

Germany has 41 world heritage sites.

Germany has a number of cultural sites from its history with the Roman Empire and the later being at the center of the Holy Roman Empire and the German Empire. Germany is not far behind Spain with the number of cultural heritage sites. Generally speaking, the heritage sites in Germany are from later periods than those in Italy and Spain. Some of Germany’s cultural heritage sites are the Museumsinsel (Museum Island) in Berlin, the Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin, the town of Bamberg, the Wartburg Castle and the Cologne Cathedral.

6. India

India was home to some of the oldest civilizations on Earth , seeing the rise of many empires and dynasties, and serving as the birthplace for several major religions, including Sikhism, Buddhism , and Hinduism.

 The UNESCO committee declared 35 sites in India as world heritage sites including the Taj Mahal and the Elephanta Caves.

7. Mexico

Mexico was the home to two important past civilizations, the Maya and Aztecs, as well as some of the earliest sites of European colonization of the New World.  

 Some of Mexico’s 34 UNESCO heritage sites are the Pre-Hispanic cities of Teotihuacan, Palenque, Chichen Itza (home to the famous El Castillo pyramid ), El TajĂ­n, and the Historic Center of Puebla.

8. UK

.UK has 30 world heritage sites

The United Kingdom has a number of important sites from its past Roman occupation and from its own past as a global spanning empire. Some of these included the Frontiers of the Roman Empire and the Tower of London, the Westminster Palace and Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, Stonehenge, the city of Bath and the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh.

9. Russia 

The largest country in the world is home to just 26 world heritage sites.

Russia has a number of sites due to a mixture of its rich history and large geographical size. Russia has several cultural sites dating from its past history when it was part of the Russian Empire, such as the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square, St. Basil Cathedral, the ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow, and the historic center of the City of Yaroslavl.

Russia also has a great deal of natural sites due to its immense share of the global map, one of them is the Golden Mountains of Altai.

10. USA 

USA has 23 world heritage sites.

The United States has cultural sites from its Native American past, including the Taos Pueblo. It also has some sites from its American history, such as the Statue of Liberty. 

Most importantly, the United States has some of the most natural World Heritage Sites due to its vast size, varied climates, and national parks. These include sites including the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Parks.

Here is the list of 26 countries that have the most UNESCO world heritage sites.

To find that more, please visit

Some Debate Principles


Here are some basic principles in debate 

  • Governance

A. Utilitarianism 

Utilitarianism is a theory that is more focus on how to increase happiness and decrease suffering, that’s why this kind of theory is usually called “the greatest happiness theory”. This theory was stated at the first time by Jeremy Bentham and his student, John Mill. The concept of utilitarianism is that the goodness comes from something that is useful and profitable. On the other hand, the badness comes from something that isn’t useful and even make lose out. For utilitarianism people, the purpose of action is at least to decrease or prevent lose out that is caused by our action for ourselves or others. The maximum purpose is to make the profit or benefit that come from our action become bigger and bigger. The action have to be done to make happiness instead of suffering. Therefore, the main point of utilitarianism is to uphold the happiness to be exist and to ensure people action lead to good effect for themselves and others. Thus, in utilitarianism, the decision must be resulted in good consequences but sometimes utilitarianism involved majority and minority concern, which one should be chose and it such hard choices.

B. Liberalism

Liberalism is kind of ideology, concept or political tradition that uphold the value of freedom. In the country that implement this ideology, its citizen were given the freedom in their life encompasses freedom of thought, speech, choose, and so forth. There are 2 kinds of liberalism, they are classic liberalism and modern liberalism. In spite everyone in liberal country has freedom, it doesn’t mean they get absolute freedom because they’re free to do everything but they have to responsible for it. Therefore, there’s still rule in this kind of ideology and doesn’t mean liberalism gives freedom as freem. There are three basic value of liberalism, they are life, liberty and property. One of the figure on liberalism is John Locke. 

C. Social-Contract

Social contract is concept about an agreement between the leader and the society. This concept is usually used in political activity or explains the responsibility of Leader to his/her society. Based on the social contract theory, a country is formed by a group of people or society who hold an agreement in form of social contract and the most authority is on the society itself .Some philosophers who used this kind of theory are Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau. Locke said that there are three parties in social contract, they are society, government and parliament. Some philosophers have their own perception on how to describe the position of society or human and government in political authority such as executive, legislative or judicative, etc. they also have different way to explain what caused and how the social contract happened.

D. Representation

Representation is a process or condition which is lied as a representative toward a large group of people. In representation, the society is represented by one person or small amount of people, this kind of theory is commonly used to describe indirect democracy. That’s why the government called as representative which differs from a direct government in which all the population in that area or region vote based on policy and regulation instead of choosing representatives to vote on behalf a large number of people. in another definition political representation is the activity of making citizen’s voices, opinions and perspectives. Government Representation system occurs when political actors speak and act on behalf of others in the political arena. Representation, in government, method or process of enabling the citizen or some of them to participate in the forming of government policy via deputies chosen by them. 
E. Legitimacy 

Legitimacy is the right and acceptance of an authority in form of governing law or regime. The authority itself denotes a specific position in an established government. It is also considered as basic condition of governing which the government won’t suffer deadlock decision because it is legitimated. Legitimacy also known as a value of something that is recognized and accepted as right and proper while in political context, it is understood as the valid or popular acceptance and recognition by the people of the authority of government regime. Legitimation also relate to the beliefs of an individual about the rightfulness of rule.

  •  Individual Right

A. Sanctity of Life

Sanctity of life describes self-control toward the bad things or something can lead to sin. Sanctity of life taught people on how to protect self-originality and have clear principle, living in balance, living in a good environment , don’t be persuade to do bad things. These are considered from religions that exist in society.

B. Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression belongs to human right especially Individual rights to express what they feel, to say their opinions without interference and to seek, receive, browse and share information and ideas through any media both electronic and physic. But nowadays, the freedom of expression is different with a long time ago since there is some restrict rules that arranged the way to express our opinion, it includes censorship, limitation of press and others who voice their thoughts and feeling.

C. Body Autonomy

Body autonomy means that everyone has right to control and protect their body from others or to do something that is relate to use their body. That’s why to get body autonomy, there should be a permission or consent from the people whose body is used or touched, and so on.

D. Sense of Security

Sense of security describes a people feeling to be save in life and to protect themselves for something that might be harm for them. Sense of security is one of the basic needs of people and even becoming one of the Individual rights. Every person in the world need to be safe and secure, it includes physics, stability, dependency, protection and freedom from the threatening situation like war, disaster, terrorism, feeling afraid, anxious, and restless. Sense of security is really important because it could affect the psychological of people, if people don’t feel secure, they will get either physic or psychological attacks and it was dangerous for their life, started living with unsecure condition.

E. Freedom of Choice

Freedom of Choice describes an individual right to select or choose at least between 2 choices. This principle is also can be used to defense of individual position to choose something that they like, love and fond of it.  We should always allow people to have this kind of freedom so that they can make their own best decisions for themselves, none could interfere and take away their rights to choose. Let everyone has responsible for what they have chose because they believe that their decision could will make their life comfortable. Example of freedom of choice is about feminism, women deserve to determine their life based on freedom of choice. Women nowadays are forget on what they are used to be such as don’t want to be pregnant, can’t cook, or take care of their children instead they chase their carrier and happiness of their own. It is their rights to be like that. Other example is about euthanasia which involved an agreement between the patient and family and the doctor, euthanasia could be done if there is a consent either from the patient’s family or doctor , this kind of action is just for the goodness of the patient because he/she isn’t potential to live longer and the life’s possibility is low.

Freedom of choice also relates to social mobility when someone has rights to change their life or not, everyone has rights to make their life better if they want to effort, there will be a lot of chance if they are willing to achieve success.

F. Equality merit

Equality describes that all people either men or women have the same rights, status, or opportunity in certain respects including civil rights, political rights, freedom of speech and even equality to access government facility and services. Equality itself not also based on gender, but also age, origin, race, religion, physic, health and disabilities have the same right in all aspects in life based on each proportion. Meritocracy is kind of governance system that gives more chance to those who are eligible and have ability in politic to get certain position. This principle is to oppose the bureaucracy that sometimes involved corruption, collusion and nepotism.

Thus, equality merit means that to give chance to either men or women or other respects to get the same right based on the gender and privileged status, using criteria in some aspects to get qualified person in some position in politic. 

​Top 25 Countries with The Most Expensive Broadband Internet Access.

​Top 25 Countries with The Most Expensive Broadband Internet Access. 
The existence of Internet has become daily needs for people all over the world.  In the Western world, affordable internet has quickly become the norm over the past decade or so, but in developing countries, things are very different. In fact, the countries where digital financial services, fintech, and Bitcoin could all make a significant impact, are home to some of the most expensive internet rates. These rates need to be made cheaper over the next few years if we want to achieve financial inclusion. 

Nowadays, everyone can take the advantages of the internet, but sometimes the internet also can be something bad for those who use it unwisely. Therefore, we have to use it wisely and make the internet become useful for our life for the example using internet for business, advertisement, blogging, or getting new information about what is happening. That’s why we will get difficult to browse information easily and fast if there’s no internet connection. But, for those who live in these countries, internet isn’t something usual and internet isn’t so affordable because the internet connection in these countries is difficult to find and more expensive as well.
Here are countries which have the most expensive internet costs

1. Cuba : US$  1752.7/month

2. Swaziland : US$  874.6/month

3. Kiribati : US$  383.1 /month

4. Tajikistan : US$  362.5 /month5. Gambia : US$  280.3/month

6. Solomon Islands : US$ 259.20/month

7. Eritrea : US$  204/month

8. Ethiopia : US$ 197.71/month

9. Papua New Guinea : US$ 185.6/month.

10. Vanuatu : US$  171/month

11. Turkmenistan : US$ 169/month

12. Angola : US$ 166/month

13. Togo : US$  165.6/month

14. Bermuda : US$ 134.33/month

15. Uzbekistan : US$ 127.83/month

16. Myanmar : US$ 120/month

17. Tanzania : US$ 118.02/month

18. Sao Tome and Principe : US$ 116.8/month

19. Rwanda : US$  111.7/month

20. Zambia : US$ 98.87/month

21. South Sudan : US$ 90.83/month

22. Madagascar : US$ 63.7/month

23. Niger : US$ 63/month

24. Mozambique : US$ 58.50/month

25. Afghanistan : US$ 53.50/month

    ​20 Most Sociable Countries in the World.

    ​20 Most sociable countries in the world.

    One of the special things when we get a tour is the chance to meet new people, especially for those who usually go abroad to spend their holiday. Based on Telegraph, those who go somewhere always tell their experience about the people whom they met in the unexpected place at that time. Obviously, there are some countries which is more sociable indeed. The research from Legatum showed that Australasian region is the most sociable part of the world. The result is that New Zealand is the most sociable country (1st position) and followed by Australia, then the 3rd position comes from different continent, Canada.  Most sociable countries measured by social capital sub index  which shows the strength of personal relationships, social network support, social norms, and civic participation in a country.

    Based on LPI (Legatum Prosperity Index), these are 20 most sociable countries in the world.

    1. New Zealand (68,95)
    2. Australia (67.60)
    3. Canada (66.23)
    4. United states (65.45)
    5. Iceland (65.34)
    6. Norway (65.06)
    7. Denmark (64.49)
    8. Malta (63.77)
    9. Germany (63.21)
    10. Ireland (63.09)
    11. Finland (62.8)
    12. UK (62.2)
    13. Netherland (62.1)
    14. Indonesia ( 61.9)
    15. Austria (61.8)
    16. Switzerland (61.6)
    17. Kenya (61.5)
    18. Sri Lanka (61.2)
    19. Philippines (59.6)
    20. Belgium (58.5)

    ​Top 10 Hardest Languages to Learn.

    ​Top 10 Hardest languages to Learn.

    It is never easy to learn a new language. Trying to speak other language which is very different with our native language would not as well as or as fluent as we speak daily conversation with our original language, it needs process, as long as we have passion we will achieve it easily and we will have ability to speak foreign language as well as its native speaker. Continue reading