A Structuralist View on Margareth Landon’s Anna and The King

What’s in the story

Landon’s Anna and the King sets its focus on how Anna reacts to the people of Siam and its norm. She is an Englishwoman invited by King Maha Mongkut to be a teacher for his wives and children. The king wants his family to know and learn English so that they will be more civilized and developed. At first, Anna feels that she isn’t able to cope with the culture of Siam. By the time passed, she can get along well with the wives, concubines, and the children. Two of the children play the most Continue reading

Hallie’s Self Determination in This Matter of Marriage by Debbie Macomber

Hallie in This Matter of Marriage

This Matter of Marriage tells about the story of a woman named Hallie looking for a man to be her husband. She is actually such a perfectionist person as she said that she hasn’t married yet because she is too busy with her work. Also, she has her own standard. Hallie thought that she was independent woman and hadn’t wanted a man to be around, but it changes now. Her perception about independent isn’t like that as she feels different now. Therefore, it is time for her to let a man comes to her life since she has decided to get married and has a child (p. 2-3). As what I tell you before, Hallie has her Continue reading

A Brief Overview On The Great Gatsby Related Articles

Here is my summary after reading scientific article talking about The Great Gatsby.

The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. The novel sets in the Jazz Age on Long Island and depicts narrator Nick Carraway’s interactions with the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and Gatsby’s obsession with reuniting with his ex-girlfriend, Daisy Buchanan.

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World Literature : Take a Stroll on Indian Novel “Three Mistakes of My Life”

Selfishness in ‘Three Mistakes of My Life’: Semiotic Analysis on Govind Patel’s Personality as the Main Character in the Novel

By : Angga Brian Fernandi
      Govind is the main the character in the novel ‘Three Mistakes of My Life’ struggling to be a businessman. This makes him want to do many things in order to get income for a living. He likes doing business so that he runs a small cricket

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