Indonesian-English Poetry

​I found this poetry in a literary book when I went to bookstore a few months ago. I think this is a good poetry, then I capture it with my phone. Unfortunately, I forgot the name of the book and the author. Here it is.

It is written in Bahasa Indonesia

Itukah sajak yang kau tulis untukku?

Apakah sajak-sajak cinta yang tak menyebut namaku itu?

Aku sering tersesat di sana

Terkejut pada kata yang tak pernah aku tahu 

Padaku mereka ingin mengucap apa

Aku kerap terjerembak di sana 

Berjalan di bait-bait yang rumit

Yang aku tak tahu hendak mengantarku kemana

Tapi aku betah di sana

Seakan sembunyi dari banyak bunyi

Yang bertahun-tahun memaksa aku memekakkan telinga sendiri

Ah, alangkah kamusnya engkau

Sebetapa sempitnya lidahku

Aku ingin tahu, apakah sajak-sajak itu kau tulis untukku?

I try to write it in English version, maybe it sounds like this

Is it the poem you wrote for me?

Is it the love poem which doesn’t call my name?

I often misguided over there

I shocked to the words I never know

What do they want to say to me?

I often fluttered in the wind over there.

Walking in the complicated couplet

That I didn’t know where it carries me

But I like to be there

As if hiding from a lot of noise 

Which for many years forced me to deafen my ears

Argh, what a dictionary you are

How very limited my tongue 

I want to know, did you write that poems for me?